With effect from 25 th March 2024
These terms and conditions apply to customers attending premises belonging to Kinzo Limited,
trading as Dabbers Social Bingo. In this document “Dabbers”, “we”, “our”, or “us” refers to Kinzo Limited which is company number 12745507 and has its registered office at 146 New London Road, Chelmsford, CM2 0AW.
We have two clubs which are located at 18 – 22 Houndsditch, London, EC3A 7DB (Dabbers City) and
270 Mare St, London, E8 1HE (Dabbers Hackney).
In this document we use “you”, “your”, or “customer” to refer to any person using our Services.Those services include:
selling food and drink for consumption on the premises;
providing entertainment with bingo; and
providing entertainment without bingo.
1. Licensing regulations
You are required to follow the terms of any licences issued to us that enable us to provide our
Services. Being in our premises is on the strict condition that you comply with any licensing
requirements that we bring to your attention.
2. Admission
2.1. Admission to entertainment with bingo or entertainment without bingo is through
purchase of a ticket in advance from our website www.dabbers.bingo or in person on the
2.2. We will allocate your seat when you arrive. You have the right only to a seat of a value
corresponding to that stated on your ticket.
2.3. Each ticket for entertainment with bingo includes one bingo card for each game that is
played during the show. Each customer has one entry per game only.
2.4. Tickets for entertainment with bingo include a “stake” amount (normally £0.50 a game).
This is the amount that we put towards the cost of prizes and so is the amount that can be
won or lost from a gambling regulation point of view. The remainder of the ticket price goes
towards the cost of providing the entertainment.
2.5. Latecomers will be admitted but there is no entitlement to play any bingo games that have
already started or finished.
2.6. We reserve the right to refuse admission and to ask you to leave at our discretion including
if you are under 18, drunk, rude or aggressive.
2.7. We have a Challenge 25 policy. We will not admit you if you are not able to prove you are
over 18 when asked for photographic identification that is in-date, in good condition and
shows your date of birth.
3. Purchasing tickets for entertainment
3.1. Each ticket is valid for one person’s entry on the day and time which it is booked for and at
the club it is booked for. Tickets are not transferable to another event or club.
3.2. Tickets for entertainment with bingo must only be bought by adults aged 18 or over. Under
18s will not be admitted to entertainment with bingo unless the show is operated as Prize
3.3. The Gambling Commission prohibits purchasing tickets for entertainment with bingo with
credit cards.
3.4. Refunds can be given if you cancel your booking up to 3 days in advance of the start of the
event. We reserve the right to keep the full ticket price for any cancellations made within 3
days of the start of the event.
3.5. You should contact us immediately if you make a mistake with your booking, preferably by
emailing dab@dabbers.bingo so that we can help you put it right.
3.6. We reserve the right to change the content of a show due to unforeseen circumstances.
Refunds will not be given in these circumstances but you may transfer your booking to
another date without additional charges.
3.7. We reserve the right to cancel shows at our discretion, including if there are insufficient
bookings to be able to offer a good customer experience. In these circumstances we will
offer you a choice of a refund or transfer to another show at either of our clubs.
4. Safer Gambling
4.1. We recognise that gambling is enjoyed by the majority of participants although we
recognise that for a small minority of the population participation in gambling activities may
lead to addictive behaviour. We understand that such behaviour can cause detrimental
impact on those individuals, their families and friends.
4.2. Our main safety control is that the gambling element of our entertainment is very limited,
with only one entry per show per person and without opportunities to win significant prize
money. Ours is a ‘competitive socialising’ experience, not a gambling experience.
4.3. Nevertheless, we have a Self Exclusion Policy under which any customer can ask to be
excluded from the premises for between 6 and 12 months. We will refuse entry to any
customer who enters into a Self Exclusion agreement with us. A copy of our Self Exclusion
policy is available on request.
5. Data Protection
We will comply with any applicable data protection laws relating to any personal information
you give to us. Your personal data will be stored and used only in accordance with our Privacy
Policy, which is available on our website.
6. General terms
6.1. We accept no responsibility for any loss or damage to personal property.
6.2. When playing bingo it is your responsibility to alert the show’s host if you think you have
won a game. We will not be liable if the game continues and another player later wins.
6.3. The rules for each game of bingo will be told to you by the show’s host and/or displayed on screens before the game.
6.4. You must leave the premises immediately if we ask you for any reasonable reason,
including breaching any of our terms and conditions. In this regard the Duty Manager’s decision is final.
7. Customer complaints
We have a three stage procedure for customer complaints.
Stage 1
The customer should speak to the Duty Manager about their complaint, ideally at the time so
that we have an opportunity to put things right.
Stage 2
If the complaint is not satisfactorily resolved, the complaint will be referred to a Director.
Stage 3
If the Director does not resolve the complaint to the satisfaction of the customer, the matter
may be reviewed by our legal advisors and a determination provided of the most appropriate
way forward. If the complaint cannot be resolved to the customer’s satisfaction the matter
will be referred to third party arbitration.
We will use the services of the Independent Betting Arbitration Service (www.ibas-uk.com)
for independent third party arbitration of disputes relating to gambling.
The Home of Bingo®